Vehicle pulls to the side, possible causes and solutions


How does it feel when your car pulls right or left while driving? Disappointing, isn’t it? It can be dangerous, because moving your car to the side causes you to lose control on a difficult road. It is difficult to focus on driving when you are like “tug-of-war” to keep your car in a straight line.

It is tiring to put constant pressure on the steering wheel. Plus, it doesn’t give you the pleasure of driving. The various components of the car, including the tires, take the hit when the steering wheel pulls to the right while you’re driving. Quite a few reasons can cause this problem.

Let’s find these reasons why the car pulls to the side while driving:

  • Uneven tire pressure

The first thing you should check when your car is pulling to the right is tyre pressure. For example, the height of the vehicle will not be proportional if the tires on one side of the vehicle are not sufficiently inflated, there will be a tilt. Low tire pressure increases resistance to movement, resulting in displacement problems and premature tire wear. Overvoltages that are created cause the car to pull to the side.

How do you fix it? Measure the pressure with the tyre pressure gauge and inflate all the tyres to the correct PSI value. It is important that the pressure in all tyres is the same. For most passenger cars, the pressure should be between 1.9 and 2.3 atmospheres.

  • Wrongly executed demolition.

Poor wheel alignment may cause the steering wheel to deviate from direct driving. This is particularly true of the rear axle, where one wheel has a negative camber angle and the other wheel has a positive camber angle. Run-over camber should be carried out along with the wheels and suspension.

Then the steering of your car will always be at a proper level and the tires will not be washed before time.
Uneven tyre tread wear is another indication of this problem. Pulling to solve the problem can lead to more serious problems.

How do you fix it? To make a quality, professional breakdown on modern equipment.

  • Braking system malfunction.

Complications in the brake system, including a stuck brake caliper, dry slide pins and broken brake hose, can cause the vehicle to pull to the side. A stuck caliper is the most common of all issues. The calipers exert pressure on the brake pads, consuming energy from the hydraulic braking system. They are critical when stopping the car after depressing the brake pedal. The car will pull to the side if one of them does not function properly.

How do I fix it? The rapid braking system is critical to driving safety. You should contact a professional mechanic at the nearest car service centre as a matter of urgency.

  • Engine torque

The machine is driven away when the engine torque affects the steering. A front-wheel drive vehicle (FWD) pulls to the right when it is accelerated if the steering wheel is turned. There may be several causes: weakened steering unit, faulty bushing of the lower control lever, damaged engine support, flexible steering linkage or excessive movement in the ball joint.

How can this be corrected? Since several components may be at fault for this problem, it is better to have your car delivered to a workshop. You may have to install a high friction differential (LSD), guide rails, an intermediate drive shaft, or repair other components.

  • Worn steering linkages or lugs

A loose, worn or weak end of the steering link is another reason why the car is being driven away. If it gets worse, a strong shaking of the wheel will be common. Newer cars use a rack and pinion system instead of a steering box.

How do you fix that? The steering thrust can be damaged for a number of reasons. Getting your car to a vehicle inspection station is the best way to diagnose the root cause and make repairs.

  • Hub Bearing Wear

Bearings are critical for smooth wheel rotation. When one of them wears out, there is a characteristic knock or grinding in the area where the bearing has worn out. The smoothness of movement will be affected and the vehicle will start pulling to the side.

How do you fix it? Repairing a wheel bearing is a complicated process. You should seek professional help from your car dealer to solve this problem.

  • Suspension unit wear and tear

The pendant wears out sooner or later. There are several components including ball bearings, control levers, struts, shock absorbers and bushings that can wear out over time. Worn components will cause the vehicle to move to the side during braking. Suspension parts show signs of wear and tear over a long period of time. This way, you may not be aware of the problem if any part of the suspension is not damaged by silt.

How do you fix it? Again, you need to seek professional help because a suspension is vital to the safety of the vehicle. Regular annual checks will spare you the surprise of suddenly broken or damaged suspension parts.